First time fully loaded...

So I finally got everything packed up and ready to head out.  The Beast was loaded and BabyBeast was hooked in the back. 


Putting the car into true neutral was a task... not hard, but a list to follow.  I am sure that will become more intuitive as time goes on.  I was very excited when I was really ready to roll.  I took a selfie with my (please forgive me for this)... my new selfie stick.  YES, I bought a selfie stick, but it’s pretty cool.  It folds very compact, but it includes a tripod and a remote so I can really be taking better pictures when I want to be in the shot.


Anyway... excited, not even anxious.  Shoot the picture, smiling ear to ear.  I start walking to the coach and realize I am crying.  Not teary... really crying.  Why, I asked.  I am so excited.  And I realized that since February, my life has been consumed with getting ready for this stage of retirement.  Those of you who know me know that when I say consumed, I mean consumed.  I am just a wee bit obsessive when it comes to this kind of thing.  The marvelous part was that my middle son, Justin, was obsessing with me all the way.  We talked everyday about some new thing that one of us thought of or saw online.  He even went to RV dealers and camping stores checking things out from the Albuquerque perspective.  One of my good friends, Mark, has been equally marvelous in helping me weed through the crap that accumulates over a lifetime and throwing away much, saving some, and loading a ton into the Beast.  Shout outs to both of them!!  But here I was.  I am doing it.  I am leaving.  Bye bye house for now.  See you in a couple months.  WOW... it’s real.   And again, if you know me you know that real equals tears!  And they were flowing.  But that was ok.  It was all good tears.

And I was off.  8:30am.  Exactly when I wanted to be on the road.  Perfect!