Compact Parking Only


We bought the Beast in Oregon and had to register it in New Mexico, where my middle son, Justin lives. Because nothing is ever easy, we needed to do this in stages.  While i was there with the Beast we needed to confirm the vehicle identification numbers.  Later, when we would have the title from the original owner (we had to wait until after his loan was paid off and the bank sent the paperwork), Justin would follow up and do the new title work in New Mexico.

When we went to register the Beast in New Mexico they told us to park around the back of the building.  The only places were very clearly marked as "compact only."  The Beast, on the other hand, is clearly not compact at all!  What to do...?  Park where they told us, of course, but take a picture and laugh heartily!

Everything went super smoothly for the registration, or so we thought.  Later when Justin went to do the actual title work, it turned out that the woman who did the inspection wrote the paperwork in green pen.  The office Justin was at this time said it needed to be done in blue pen.  How's that for bureaucracy at its finest?  One wasted day, and a couple weeks until Justin could go back to the original office... and that office accepted the "wrong" color with not a bit of hassle.  Lucky for them since I think Justin may have let them have a piece of his mind that they did not want to get!

All done...  Now we can laugh about the compact spaces AND the green ink.